The inspiration and the will to create DNV



For my part, DARLING IN THE FRANXX is a great story of romance and denouement, the story between the 2 characters being one that I consider to be the best written, Darling In The Franxx is a great anime that has left a deep impression on many people due to its sad ending.
I personally love everything that touches creation, especially drawing and illustration.
The end of this anime left me empty, like any other fan of this series. On various social networks I saw various people hoping and demanding a sequel.. But no announcement of a planned sequel has been announced since 2018. I am very imaginative, so lost in my thoughts I imagined a story where the 2 main characters came back alive among their unit in there new villages, and one night I started to write, at the beginning this was simply for "fun".
I had several friends who loved the story and wanted to read more, that's when I started to write a sequel for people who like this anime, at the beginning it was simply for my friends. Several of them including one who helped me a lot to imagine the continuation of the story of Darling Never Die, encouraged me to post this story on the networks or even to draw it
Since that moment I started to really work and Darling Never Die was born, since then I created accounts that presented the project on the networks and met many people wanting to help me, in particular those who created my discord channel DNV
At that time, I was determined by many positive messages from DITF fans, I started to imagine, write, draw to practice the style of the original author, I found easy ways to publish the manga pages,
In the end, thanks to the many support of all the people who follow me, I swore to myself to carry this project through to the end, to bring this incredible work back to life in the eyes of the fans.
I'm not actually the original author of DITF, that's why I also had a lot of Haters but this FanMade has only one goal: to satisfy the fan or those who appreciate similar stories my goal is to obtain the rights to print it in physical Manga, or even to make the creator want to create a sequel and help him,
Darling Never Die could become even more official, thanks to my work, my team and especially YOUR SUPPORT AND YOUR HELP TO FOLLOW US WHICH WILL BE DECISIVE TO THE SUCCESS OF DNV

The first achievement was to redo the character design. Adding the fact that they are all 20 years old and taking inspiration from their style in the last episode of DITF. Simple character design with a small board to decorate the Design sheet